Stupid People...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Friends of mine asked me to put their Moped in my driveway, so they could possibly sell it. My friends live in a tucked away street that basically just has the residential traffic, whereas my street is frequently traveled, so being a good friend, I agreed, with the stipulation that the For Sale sign specifically state that any questions regarding this Moped, please call this number, as the homeowner does not own this Moped.

So today, I am in the garage, and a Mini-Van Mom pulls up...

Mini-Van Mom: "Do you own this Moped?"

Me: "No, I don't, it's a friends' Moped."

Mini-Van Mom: "So, what size is the engine?"

Me: "Ma'am, I really don't know, it's just parked here for a friend."

Mini-Van Mom: "You know, $900.00 dollars is a lot to ask for this."

Me: "Ain't mine, ain't selling it, ya might want to call the number."

Mini-Van Mom: "So, you don't know the size of the engine?"

Me: "..."

Mini-Van Mom: "Well, you know if you want people to buy this, you might want to know more about it."

Me: " I said, it isn't mine...did you see the placard?

Mini-Van Mom: "Yes, I did, why?"

Me: "Ummm, nothing, just curious..."

Mini-Van Mom: "Is it under a warranty?"

Me: "Doubt it"

Mini-Van Mom: "Well, don't you know?"

Me: ", I don't."

Mini-Van Mom: "Well, I guess I should call that phone number, since you don't know anything about this Moped..."

Me: "Might be a good idea"

Mini-Van Mom: "Well, I'll give them a call...have a nice day."

Mini-Van Mom turns around to leave...

Me to Mini-Van Mom...



Anonymous June 11, 2009 at 7:57 PM  

Sounds like it has been all about her for far too long.

DammitWomann June 11, 2009 at 10:36 PM  

hahahahaha - that killed me. Reminds me of the Foxworthy comment "Where's her sign"


Anonymous June 12, 2009 at 8:56 AM  

She was in a minivan.... Likelly under the influence of children.

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