Deja Vue, All Over Again...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Jimmy Carter threw Shah Mohammad Rezā Shāh Pahlavi under the bus in 1979, and now, 30 years later, Obama is throwing the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center under the bus as well.*

Sounds like 1979 all over again, but this time, we have 'Hope and Change' at the helm rather than 'Mr. Malaise.' However, do you folks notice much of a difference? Yea, me neither. Both vacillate, unable to make a decision. Both do not support the military, seeking cuts in the defense budget. Both feel Israel is the enemy, not radical islam. Both feel that appeasing petty tyrants, tinpot dictators, and various despots is more valuable than supporting our long time, valuable, and loyal allies.

But it should come to no one's surprise, except to those still drinking the Kool Aid. Jimmy Carter portrayed himself as the Anti-Ford/Nixon candidate, complete with bringing back honesty and integrity to the White House and Washington at large. Obama portrayed himself as the Anti-Bush/Cheney candidate, complete with bringing back honesty and integrity to the White House and Washington at large.

And both are complete and utter failures.

So "Deja Vue, All Over Again..."

Yep, I think so.

* Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit .


raz0r October 7, 2009 at 9:46 AM  

And both enabled runaway gov expansion and spending. Both are apologists for American exceptionalism. Both are the south end of a north bound mule.

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