Send A Christmas Card...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

to Rifqa Bary, the young girl in Ohio who converted from Islam to Christianity, and is facing a legal battle to NOT be reunited with her family. Miss Bary has stated on numerous occasions and depositions in court that her muslim father has threatened to kill her, which prompted her to run away to Florida to seek the safety of Christians.

Recently, her family's attorney from those fun loving folks at CAIR filed a motion with the court, requesting that the court ban all Christmas Cards being sent to her, and to seize all Christmas Cards she has already received.

So, inspired by the Jawa Report and Atlas Shrugs , I think it would be most appropriate to send Miss Bary a Christmas Card.

Her address is:

Rifqa Bary
c/o Angela Lloyd
255C Drinko Hall
55 West 12th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210.

A simple card and a stamp will go along way to inform CAIR to f*ck off and leave her alone!

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