"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - President Ronald Reagan
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OK, how do you spell the sound of retching. I've been ignoring the news as much as possible all day and now I'm watching a movie and drinking Guinness. Piffle, either he screws things up so quick that we get everything back in '10 & '12 or Jesus shows up in a few years and fixes everything. It's a win-win except for a bit of suffering for those unprepared. BMA
Word verification: phrowle
Stock Market was 300 Points Down
...Ripple flavored KoolAid for everybody
Mitch, I belive that would be Huuuuuurl!
I'm so happy that I picked up my new Ruger SR9 today and 2 boxes of ammo. That and the Mrs. Mossberg 12 gauge will make us formidible foes for the O'Vomit blackshirts should they decide to attack.
heh heh!
Lock and Load, Boys and Girls!
I am SO there GG!
This coronation is retching! I am watching Andy Griffith reruns because I cannot stand this shit.
cuchieddie...I am jealous.
CSI on here (daughter is watching it)
I threatened my kids last week that I did not want to hear THAT voice in my living room today!
C'mon, MITX...you mean you don't want to hear..."uhhhh"..."ummm"...uhhhh"..."ummm" ad nauseum???
I have heard enough over the last year to last me a lifetime! Seriously, just hearing his voice turns my stomach.
I shopped a flag a while back that had 50 hammer and sickles instead of stars.
In the market for reloading gear. Just got a Dillon catalog in the mail.
Need to get me a Wolverines! sticker for the truck.
except for a random photo or two, I've successfully managed to avoid all things obama all day. Now, if I can just manage to keep that going for the next four years, I just might keep my sanity.
Just as a little tip for all you folks who are preparing. Your next purchase should be a rifle in .22LR. Why? Well you can kill a person with one but you can also put food on the table with it. A couple of thousand rounds for it is also a great idea and the ammo is relatively cheap.
P.S. My Kimber Ultra Carry II in .45ACP may not be good for game but it is getting prettier everyday.
Holy crap! I picked up my new toy yesterday and bought 2 boxes of 9MM ammo. Each box of 20 rounds was $16.99 and I had to show my drivers license and leave my right thumb print. We are truly fucked!
Buy ammo online.
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